Friday, May 05, 2006

Time to break the tradition

The assembly elections are underway in five states in India. The election turnout is over 70% in most places. Here in USA, election turnouts are much smaller (around 50% for Presidential elections, and less than 40% for mid term elections). The people in USA are more educated, and, thanks to the barrage of T.V. advertisements, are more aware of the issues and the party platforms they have to vote for. Still, the Indians, especially the poor from the villages who have wait usually two to three hours to vote, show more faith in democracy! I feel that the main reason for the low election turnout in USA is that here the elections are always held on Tuesdays, a working day. People have no time, or are too tired at the end of the day, to go to a polling station and vote. In India, the election law requires the businesses to declare the day of voting to be a holiday, or to give enough paid time off from work for the employees to vote. Why can’t there be such a system in USA? Any reason we cannot hold the elections on a Saturday?


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