Monday, December 10, 2007

Blind leading the blind

Presidential candidate Rudolf Giuliani’s refusal to release the list of the clients of his consulting firm, is creating a fuss here (at least in the blogsphere). Looks he had a nice deal with the Qatar government which paid him millions for his advice on protecting the country from terrorists. Protection from terrorism? I cannot understand what made Guiliani an expert here. Walking aimlessly in the streets of New York city after the 9/11 attack, because there was no place to stay and manage the crisis? (Despite the warnings from an earlier attack in 1993, Giuliani foolishly set up the city crisis management center in the World Trade Center). Come to think of it, I will not consult any ‘security expert’ from USA for protection against 'Jihadi's. It is like the blind leading the blind! I will trust more the experts in India.


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