Friday, September 25, 2009

Toothless tiger!

The chances of a health care reform with a ‘public option’ being passed by the Congress look slim. This means that the long waited health care reform will mainly be some new requirements on health insurance companies like they cannot deny coverage based on preexisting condition, no maximum on insurance payments, etc. However, there will be no new regulation on premium increases. This means that the insurance companies can raise their premiums as they want to cover the new ‘risks’ they are taking. (No wonder that we do not hear any protest from the insurance companies on these new requirements on them). Now, the 'beauty' of the health care reform is that the Government is going to make health insurance coverage mandatory for all, like it is now for auto insurance and home insurance. This means that over 40 million in this country, who are currently uninsured, will become the new customers of the insurance companies. What a wonderful bonanza it will be for the insurance business! It will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Yes, the lobbyists are going to get a wonderful return on their donations (bribes?) to the members of the Congress.

It is estimated that over 30% of the currently uninsured, will require subsidy from Government to get health insurance. This means that the cost of medical care provided by government is going to skyrocket, and will become ‘unsustainable’ even quicker! The only way to control the rising cost is to have a ‘public insurance option’ provided by the government, which will give a fair competition to the insurance companies to keep their premiums low. Without public option this health care reform is a toothless tiger, which will actually benefit the private health insurance companies, and skyrocket the cost of medical care by the government. I am frustrated that only few people understand this!


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