Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!
It looks like ex-Speaker Newt Gingrich is rising in polls to be the Republican nominee for U.S. Presidency. I cannot understand how the Republicans can choose Gingrich over Mitt Romney. Gingrich will be beaten soundly by President Obama in the November general election as he is a thoroughly dislikeable person with a huge baggage of past transgressions which include adultery, ethics violations and being plain nasty to others. Actually Obama is quite vulnerable in his re- election as he is a disappointment for many of those who voted for him last time (that includes me). He has proven to be a poor administrator and a weakling who easily gives up to the opposition demands. People now are looking for someone who is a strong leader who can make things happen. Mitt Romney with his excellent background as a businessman and public administrator (governor) will be quite attractive in comparison. I am sure that a majority of the electorate, including a sizable number of 'Obama disappointed' Democrats, will go for Romney if given the chance.
I guess the strong extreme right wing of the Republican party cannot stand Romney (they know he is simply mouthing their extreme and impractical stands for votes!). So, they looked for an alternative in the remaining bunch of pathetically weak Republican candidates, and have ended up with Gingrich. This is almost like snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory, a trait I thought only the Democrats and the Indian cricket team possessed!
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