The Incompetence Continues
I am shocked and outraged by the lawlessness and chaos in New Orleans. The rampant lootings, shootings and rapes going on there remind me of what happened in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein. There, the US Military dismissed the Iraqi police without realizing that they themselves do not have the manpower to enforce any type of law and order in the country. People behave badly when there is no one to enforce decent norms of human behavior. Obviously nobody in the Federal and State Government has learned this lesson from Iraq. What were they thinking when they let in over 25,000 in the Superdome and Convention Center without adequate number of police or other forms of law enforcement? Does the fact that most of the National Guards of Louisiana are in Iraq fighting, got anything to do with this? What about the budget cuts of New Orleans Engineering Corps , which made them helpless to do anything about the vulnerability of the levees in New Orleans? (Of course, the budget cuts were necessary to fund the Iraq war, and the tax cuts). Hope that someone asks for answers to these questions. (I doubt the gutless Democrats or the American Press will be the ones to do it!)
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