Thursday, September 15, 2005

U.N. is USA's bitch!

I apologize ahead for the somewhat crude title and remarks in this blog entry. But it is the only way to describe my thoughts when I saw President Bush participating in the U.N. Security Council session today. (‘This is a first!’ the T.V. reporter gushed). Here is the person who treated U.N. with utter contempt, showing some respect. To me it looked similar to a pimp being nice to his ‘bitch’ once in a while! Why?
Both and USA and U.N. are dependent on each other, with USA treating the U.N. with total disrespect. Everyone knows that Bush brushed aside the pleas of the U.N. Inspectors to complete their search for WMD in Iraq before he invaded that country. But only few realize that U.N. did a valuable service to USA by disarming and weakening Iraq before the war, with its trade embargos and weapons inspections. Taking over Iraq was a cinch as a result. After toppling Saddam Hussein, Bush wanted someone neutral to give credibility to the elections in Iraq. So there was U.N. in Iraq, organizing and supervising the elections. Bush showed his gratitude and respect to U.N. by nominating a vehement critic, John Bolton, as U.N. Ambassador (Bolton once wanted the top eight floors of the U.N. building demolished, as it would not make any difference to the world!). Despite of all this, like a prostitute who cannot leave her pimp, U.N. cannot function without USA. It will become a meaningless institution if the most powerful nation of the world is not a member. And U.N. is the brainchild of USA, which also happens to be it’s the biggest financial contributor.
By the way, the newly appointed John Bolton has now demanded about 750 changes to a revision of U.N. charter, which was nearing approval by all other members. Yes, bitches are frequently beaten to keep them in line – and U.N. is a bitch!


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The U.S. should show more respect when dealing with the U.N. Everyone is so critical of its existence, but who took advantage of the aid they sent after the Katrina disaster?


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