You cannot be too careful!
Just heard that an American Airlines flight was detained in the Newark airport today for the suspicious behavior of some passengers. What happened? The airplane crew noticed a few ‘foreign looking’ passengers reading aviation manuals, instead of the complimentary shopping catalog they have in front of their seats. That is suspicious, right? Must be terrorists, who are not that smart, cramming up before hijacking the plane. So the security in Newark was alerted, and a few passengers, in addition to the five ‘readers’, were detained in the airport for questioning. Now, it looks like the whole thing was a misunderstanding – a case of students of a flight school studying in the plane! But no harm done. You just cannot be too careful.
In reaction to the sudden resignation (or was it firing?) of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Porter Goss, all the analysts and pundits agree that CIA has been in total disarray for some time. As a result, our national security is quite vulnerable. But it is good to know that our airport security is top class as they leave nothing to chance. The whole situation reminds me of a high stakes gambler in Las Vegas who fussed about calculating the exact amount to tip a waitress!
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