Thursday, March 15, 2007

Could have solved the Chandra Levy case also!

I just heard that Al-Qaeda No. 3, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, has confessed to all the terrorist attacks from 1990 onwards. He has even claimed that it was he who beheaded WSJ columnist Daniel Pearl, although somebody else is already sentenced to hang for it! Ever wonder who put up the infamous ‘shoe bomber’ to his primitive attempt to blow up a plane over Atlantic? It was Khalid, of course. He has confessed. Obviously the ‘special treatments’ he received from the Americans in undisclosed locations around the world, have done wonders to his willingness to confess to any charge brought against him. Too bad they did not ask him about the Chandra Levy murder mystery which had transfixed the news media in the months before the 9/11. He would have confessed to that also, clarifying that it was a ploy to distract the FBI from the warning signals of the 9/11 attacks. I am sure that the clueless Washington D.C. police would have loved to get that confession!


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