Friday, December 28, 2007

A spark can start a fire!

I am quite upset about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan. She was a courageous lady who took it as a life mission to bring moderation to her country savaged by dictators and extremists. It is disheartening how a single act of violence can affect the lives of millions. I still wonder how things would have been if an assassin’s bullets did not bring down Robert Kennedy in 1968. With him as President (he was a shoo-in to win the election), the Viet Nam war would have ended early saving thousands of lives. The Democrates would have been power for many more years without letting a neoconservative like Reagan becoming the President. I digress. With Bhutto, there was a chance for democracy in Pakistan. Now that is gone. President Musharaf is not going to survive for long. What will happen if some extremists come to power, and get access to the nuclear weapons of Pakistan? Will India be then forced to invade Pakistan to prevent such risk?


At 1:36 PM, Blogger benny said...

The bigger loser seems to be the US of A. The return of BB was engineered by them and they hoped to place one who was more 'secure' when the general fell. It looked so doomed what with growing opposition from all around. It must have been some cretins who came up with the idea of placing BB close at hand. She was highly corrupt and her husband was hundred percenter( while the other contender was only 10%er). The man on the street has a different image which is more realistic that the west may have. He knows her rule will only help some who are already living off the fat of the land. He knows when the election is over so shall her promises remain unfulfilled. Like two other times. Why should he then bother with her?

The Pakistani like Iraqi has different concept of democracy. Yes he is still belongs to a feudalistic society evolving into something more sinister, and I am sure America will not like what it is leading to... America calculated, wrongly as in the case of Iraq, Besides all that aid pumped in since 9/11 where are the wanted fugitives? Failure to produce the head of Osama is tantamount to a loss of face to America. I think the US wants despearately a scapegoat. The general was sensible as to bide for time. Matters were resolved happily on its own
BB like her father loved life and it is pity that they both lost.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger PJ said...

Good points. It is remarkable that only few in USA realize that Benazir Bhutto was viewed as a 'stooge' of USA in Pakistan, and hence was the prime target for assassination. In a recent debate of the USA Presidential candidates, many spoke of USA removing President Musharaf etc. as if it is something USA is entitled to, and can do!
(We have to thank Jawaharlal Nehru for keeping USA away from 'helping' India like they did Paksitan in the early years!)


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