Nightmare Ticket!
Hear that Hillary Clinton is open to run as the Vice Presidential candidate under Barrack Obama. While for many, this is a ‘dream ticket’, I think it will turn out to be a nightmare ticket for Obama and the Democratic Party. Taking Clinton as the running mate will immediately brand Obama as a typical politician who will do anything to win an election. He will come across like a phony who did not stick to his inspiring message of change from old politics, and instead went with an established Washington politician. A whole series of Clinton questionable financial dealings, Presidential pardons etc. will be thrown in the open by the Republican Party to keep Obama off his winning course. (During the primaries Hillary Clinton got a free pass on this type of attacks, as Obama was too decent for it. Do not expect the same from the Republicans). The Clintons are so hated by the Republicans, that they will unite and vote for John McCain (who presently is struggling to get the core Republicans support his bid for Presidency). As for the benefit of Hillary bringing in the ‘blue collar whites’ and women to the Obama camp, I feel it is quite exaggerated. In November, most of these Hillary Supporters will vote for Obama anyway, as the alternate is “Mr. McSame” who promises to continue many of Bush’s disastrous policies.
I pray that Obama will not fall for the high pressure tactics of the Clintons, but select someone who can really add value to his ticket.
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