Saturday, March 08, 2008

Stop the world! I want to get off.

I am quite bummed about the way Hillary Clinton has made a comeback from the threshold of defeat, by winning Ohio and Texas primaries. She threw everything she could get her hands on (including the 'kitchen sink'), to stop the Obama’s momentum, and it worked. Her ‘3 AM Call’ T.V. commercial frightened many to have second thoughts about a young Obama as their Commander and Chief. (How can one trust that the highly emotional ‘Shillary’ would be better than the calm and unflappable Obama, is beyond me) Clinton also made the maximum out of a misleading NAFTA statement an Obama advisor made to the Canadian Embassy. Anyway, the Clinton team is now encouraged to raise their attacks to an ever nastier level. Yesterday Hillary claimed that only she and the Republican opponent John McCain, are qualified to be the Commander in Chief of USA. This implies that if she is not the nominee of the Democratic Party, people should vote for McCain in the general election! Obviously, she does care much about the success of the Democratic Party if she is not the nominee. The political pundits are saying now that Obama has to attack back to survive (they love a good fight!). This means Obama has to come down from his pedestal of decency, and be like any other politician who would lie and cheat to win. It will be a mistake, although I do not mind to see someone dishing it back to Clinton in kind! Today I hear that an Obama adviser, Samantha Power, had to resign because she referred Hillary as a ‘monster’ in an interview she gave to a newspaper. (Although, she told the news reporter that statement was ‘off the record’, the paper published it any way for some cheap publicity). Recently, a popular N.B.C. television program ('Saturday Night Live') exhorted people to vote for Hillary because she is a ‘bit**’ who can get things done, and it made Hillary so happy that she joined them in their next show. I guess being called a 'bit**' is better than being called a 'monster'. Everywhere, I see deceit and people taking advantage of the other. Decency and honesty are weaknesses in this world. I am disgusted.


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