A well deserved 'Thank You'!
Barrack Osama naming Caroline Kennedy to the Vice President search committee is a surprise to many. Unlike her brother John Kennedy*, Caroline had a kept a very low profile in public until she suddenly came out and endorsed Obama for the Presidency. And, what a boost it was for Obama! Her support could not have come at a better time. It came at the end of South Carolina primary election where the Clintons had made an effort to paint Obama as another black candidate (like Jesse Jackson) supported only by the blacks. Kennedy’s are like royal family in this country. Caroline’s statement that Obama inspires her ‘like people tell me my father inspired them’, validated Obama as a candidate who has a wide appeal to the whites. The subsequent publicity, and the appearances of Caroline and Senator Kennedy at Obama campaign rallies managed to stop Hillary Clinton’s momentum for the Super Tuesday. The rest is now history. In summary, Barrack Obama owes a lot to Caroline Kennedy for winning the nomination. He choosing her for the VP search committee is his show of appreciation. (I am sure Caroline will have the pick of some choice spots in the Obama administration when he wins the Presidency – yes, I mean 'when', not 'if')
(By the way, I think if John Kennedy was alive, he would have been a major contender for the VP slot)
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