Sunday, November 20, 2005

Victory is near

There is good news about the Iraq war. United States is going to declare victory, and leave Iraq within the next few months – definitely before the 2006 mid-term elections. U.S. Congress Representative John Murtha’s speech last week urging the pull-out of the U.S. troops, was a crystallizing event. Suddenly, it has become O.K. for politicians to condemn the war without being labeled unpatriotic or weak -- as no one can accuse Rep. Murtha of the same. The American public had soured on the war long time ago. But it took months for the selfish politicians to get the ‘backbone’ to protest the war. I am waiting for Presidential hopefuls like Hilary Clinton and John McCain to change their stand on ‘continuing the course’ in Iraq. Of course, they will do it in such way to imply that they were always against the war in Iraq!


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