Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I can see it coming!

The Bush Administration’s cold reaction to the letter from Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinehad, has convinced me that USA will attack Iran shortly. The letter was an attempt by Iran to start a dialog with USA. But, no! Nobody here is interested in that. Have you noticed that all USA responses to Iran so far have been one-sided demands and threats (‘You stop this, and if not.’)? One cannot negotiate without being open to make some concessions. Any concession to Iran will only strengthen that country. So an attack on Iran is the only option for USA. It will happen soon. And Iran can do nothing about it.

This situation is similar to the time of the U.N. inspections in Iraq before the war. The Iraqi government did everything they could to give U.N. inspectors unrestricted access to any part of the country to prove that they did not have WMD. (I remember them even letting the U.N. inspectors drop into a palace of Saddam Hussein without giving any notice). But that did not make any difference. USA attacked Iraq anyway.

I expect the attack on Iran to occur under the guise of some trumped up national security emergency -- just in time for the mid-term elections in USA where Republicans have a serious risk of losing their majority in the House and the Senate. Karl Rove must be working hard on this strategy.


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