Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Frat Boy President

It was painful to watch President Bush at the recently concluded G8 Summit conference in Russia. He looked out of place among the polished and learned world leaders there, and he knew it. He tried to cover up his sense of insecurity by some frat boy antics causing embarrassment to all. (His ‘groping’ of the German Chancellor was a classic!). The ‘open mike’ conversation he had with Prime Minister Blair and other world leaders was an eye opener. In addition to chewing with his mouth open, he talked like a third grader (‘Russia a big country’.. ‘China a big country’). He did not appear to have a clue about the USA stand on the most important world event at that time – the Israel Lebanon conflict (‘I think Condi is going to Middle East’). His notion that one phone call from Syria to Hezbolla could stop the fighting in Lebanon, showed his naïvete about diplomatic protocols. It is no wonder that under his leadership USA has plummeted from her glory days.
I understand that many people voted George Bush for President as he came across like a guy they would like to have beer with (as opposed to pedantic Al Gore and John Kerry). Well, they did not think about the beer drinker staying too long, and making a total mess of things!


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