Saturday, August 12, 2006

Me and brother Alligator caught an elephant yesterday!

The Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was quick to come before T.V. and gravely announce the capture of terrorists who wanted to bomb planes in the sky. This was like the monkey, who used to ride on top of the alligator in the river, claiming credit for the alligator catching an elephant that stepped into the water. All the monkey did was to jump around screaming while the alligator struggled with the elephant! The ‘sky bomb’ terrorists were caught because of the skills and diligence of the British and Pakistani intelligence. The Homeland Security has nothing to do with it. In fact, it is a lame agency thoroughly unprepared for any national emergency (remember Katrina disaster?). It's only notable achievements so far are in capturing some stupid men in Miami who wanted to join Al-Queida for money, and a few well timed ‘orange’ alerts to distract public from unfavorable political developments.
Enjoy the limelight, Cherto! (You may come to hate it later).


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