No justice if you make money!
I am disturbed to hear that in Kerala, my home state in India, the government is on a rampage demolishing buildings and structures, which have encroached into their property. Like most states in India, the boundaries of public land were never strictly enforced in Kerala. Almost everyone had a tendency to encroach a few inches or even feet or two, when they built the walls of their buildings near a public property like a road. It looks like the authorities woke up one fine day, and started giving the violators seven days of notice to vacate (how do you vacate a wall?), to be followed by complete demolition of the intruding structures. I am told that some cities look like war zones now, with broken down walls and buildings everywhere. While, I agree that the Government has a right to get their property back, there should be a deliberate process for doing that. One should be allowed to appeal their case with necessary legal documents, before the authorities swing their demolition gear. Otherwise, all sort of misuse of power will occur – bribery, intimidation, revenge etc. It is a shame that the people of Kerala, who are known for their sensitivity to human rights and justice, are letting this happen. I wonder if the public outrage is muted as only hotels and other businesses by the road are getting affected now. Why care about an injustice to businesses that exploit people for money, must be the attitude. Pretty short sighted, I must say.
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