Friday, June 15, 2007

Illusions of grandeur

The people in positions of power have big egos, and a sense of importance which is annoying sometimes. Today’s statement by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, explaining why he refused to resign, is a good example. Here is the chief of the U.S. military who silently went along with Don Rumsfield’s the stupid theories and tactics for the Iraq war (anybody remember the ‘shock and awe’?). As an experienced military man, who had participated in the failed Viet Nam war, he should have known the implications of occupying a foreign country, and the risk of your butt getting kicked by insurgents whom you cannot identify. He should have listened and supported his subordinates who spoke up about the cost and risks associated with this foolish war. Although the war hungry Cheney-Rumsfield-Wolfowitz gang may not have listened to him anyway, Gen. PAce should feel some guilt about not doing his job to protect the military from another misadventure like Viet Nam. Instead, he is now worried that the soldiers will feel let down if he leaves his post! Who is he kidding? With him gone, the soldiers can at least hope for a Chief of Staff with guts, who may save them from their ‘no win’ hell hole. And, what is the ‘battlefield’ Gen Pace is worried about leaving? Must be his huge office in the Pentagon.. it cannot be the dusty streets of Baghdad where our brave soldiers are getting shot at!


At 6:06 PM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

: )


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