Go back to the girl you came to the dance with!
Things are starting to look bleak for Barrack Obama with John McCain swinging into a lead in the Presidential polls. The possibility of a Republican retaining the office of the President, after disastrous eight years of George Bush , is almost unthinkable for me. I feel that Obama is rapidly losing his luster as a different kind of politician, and unless he changes his strategy drastically, he is going to lose this election decisively. I strongly feel that he should go back to his original message of being the candidate who can bring change to the Washington where nothing gets done due to politics along party lines. He is a new type of politician who can bring opposing parties together to work for the common good. With this theme, he was able to turn Hillary Clinton’s years of experience in Washington into a liability! He should be able to do that to McCain also. Instead, thanks to the constant, and mostly baseless, attacks by McCain, Obama is being forced to defend and counterattack-- and in the process is lowering himself to the level of a ‘typical’ politician! He has to stop this, and get back to his original message of change. Hopefully, he will select as his VP, someone who is good at the mudslinging and counter-punches. This will allow him to get back to his old self. I hate to admit this… Hillary would have been his best choice as VP in the current circumstances!
(I am also worried that the coming Democratic convention in Denver will be dominated by the Clintons, making Obama look weak and inexperienced)
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