Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Barack Obama, the first ‘black’ President of USA!

I am thrilled to see Barack Obama getting elected as the 44th U.S. President. As ex- Secretary of State Colin Powell said, Obama will be a ‘transformational’ President which this country desperately needs. He has a superb intellect, right temperament and amazing charisma to lead this country in one her most trying times. Yet, the focus of the news media is on his African heritage, and how wonderful it is to see a black man getting elected as the President of USA. They ignore the fact that except for his looks, Obama is least like a black in USA. He had a white upbringing, being brought up by his white mother and white grandparents. Starting from grade school, he went to the best schools which had very few blacks. Until his days as a community organizer in Chicago, I do not think he had much contact with the black population. But the ‘one drop rule’ in this country which labels everyone even with a single drop of African blood as black, makes him one!


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