Silver lining of dark clouds!
I am very concerned about the plummeting of the U.S. stock market this week. I hate to look at the carnage it has done to my portfolio (although I am lucky to have moved a some portion of it into safe money market and bonds, a few months ago). Also, a major recession can seriously impact my software business. But I am relieved to see that the ongoing Presidential campaign coverage in the MSM has now shifted its focus from Sarah Palin and her lipstick, to U.S. economy. I do not think the public is going to buy John McCain’s transformation as a maverick who will change the ‘greed of Wall Street’, as he puts it. Throughout his career he was for deregulation of the market which has resulted in this disaster. A tiger cannot change its stripes that quickly. Already polls are showing Barrack Obama moving ahead. I am thrilled!
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