Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The dreaded ‘N’ word

I have no confidence in the economic recovery plans presented so far in this country. I feel that the stimulus plan and the TARP are all ‘band aids’ trying to stop a major hemorrhage. I am especially uneasy about our Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner who has the look a dumb student gives me when I ask a general question to the class (‘don’t ask me.. there are smarter students who can answer it better!’). Unless the toxic USA banks are completely cleaned out, there will be no recovery in this country. Giving the big banks more money to save them, is like giving water to thin out the poison in ones bloodstream. It is not going to work. The most straight forward (and I feel the only) solution is for the Government to nationalize the major banks, and clean up the mess. But 'nationalization' is ‘socialism’, a dreaded word in this country. I was pleasantly surprised to hear some prominent Republicans suggesting this option. Mark my words, the Obama administration is going to do it, after a few failed ‘token’ attempts to save the banks.


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