Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Jimmy Carter?

After the Massachusetts disaster, President Obama is blaming himself for not communicating better (“I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people,”). What the hell is he talking about? He is on TV giving interviews almost every day. He is off to a town hall meeting whenever something does not go right, like he did last week. Looks like our President has no clue on what is going wrong with his Presidency. People want a President who makes things happen. They do not want a President who stays out of the debates, and let the corrupt Congress do the work (like he with the health care bill). They do not want the person who promised ‘Change we can believe in’, doing backroom deals with business (as he did with the Drug and insurance companies for health care bill). They do not want a President who listens to the Wall Street establishment (Timothy Geithner, and Larry Summers), and allows financial institutions to make obscene profits while the Main Street struggles. Rousing speeches and slogans will not cut it anymore. It is delivery time now. Unless he makes some drastic changes in his governing style, like a failed athlete who fires his coach and starts a new training regimen, President Obama is doomed. Of course, he will still score high in the polls as a decent person. So did Jimmy Carter!


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