Knee-jerk reactions
I am upset and angry to hear that today in Miami, U.S. air marshall shot and killed a mentally unstable person for running out of a plane with a backpack. The story is that he threatened he had a bomb in his bag, and did not listen to the commands of the law enforcement officers**. The wife of this suspected ‘terrorist’ had actually run after him explaining to everyone that her husband is bipolar, and has not taken his medication. Nobody bothered to listen to her. Instead they simply shot him down. Can anyone explain to me the logic behind believing that this was a suicide bomber or a terrorist? Will a trained terrorist or suicide bomber suddenly jump up from the seat of a plane about to take off, and run towards the terminal with a bomb? Should it not be the other way? Why should a terrorist call attention to himself by running and screaming? What about the wife who is running after him, telling everyone that he is mentally unstable? Was that a ploy? I think the air marshal took the easy way out by killing this innocent man. I actually do not blame the air marshal. He is doing what he is trained to do, and would have been 'fired for not firing', even if his judgment was proven right. But I am angry at the knee jerk reactions we have in the name of preventing terrorism, while conveniently ignoring the big risks. The recent report of the 9/11 Commission is an eye opener. We are getting more and more vulnerable to massive terrorist attacks, while the airport security gropes women, and worries about mothers carrying bottled breast milk!
** I suspect that the story of him threatening that he has a bomb in his backpack, is something made up to justify the killing. Most probably the poor man just ran out of the plane due to acute paranoia or claustrophobia.
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