Friday, June 02, 2006

The deal of the car salesman

I am looking for a new car. Visiting car dealerships for cars is one of the most unpleasant experiences in this country. The minute you walk-in to a car dealership, you are met with an aggressive salesman whose sole goal is not to let you leave the place without you buying a car. Any price quote you ask is countered with the questions ‘what is the price (or monthly payment) you are willing to pay, and can you promise that if we meet it you will buy the car today itself?’. Effectively, they want you to commit to buying a car from them even before the negotiations start! Not a good position for a buyer to be in.

The latest offer to Iran by USA and the permanent members of U.N. Security Council for stopping their nuclear program, reminds me of the sleazy car salesmen I run into. Condi Rice and team want Iran to promise to suspend uranium enrichment before coming to the negotiating table! Instead of discussing how Iran can pursue their nuclear program for peaceful purposes, they want Iran to drop the whole program before any talks start – just like the car salesman who wants you to commit to buying the car from him before giving the price!


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