Saturday, July 07, 2007

The myth of 07/07/07

Today is 07/07/07, considered to be a lucky and auspicious day. It also happens to be my birthday. I hate to break this to the long line of people getting married or engaged today, expecting a ‘charmed’ life afterwards. There is nothing lucky about this day! It is like any other day. You can start something good on this day. But the rest of it is what you make out of it. I was lucky to be born to loving and well-to-do parents. But when I look at any of the ‘good things’ which have happened to me since, I find that there was hard work and careful planning behind it. I cannot think of a single event where pure ‘luck’ made my life better. In fact, any time I took a chance (by not doing the necessary effort or research required for the action), I have been ‘screwed royally’, as Americans will put it. At this stage of my life, I am thankful for many things in my life -- a loving family, good health, so on. But I do not think being born on ‘07/07’ has anything to do with it.


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