A golden chance to checkmate!
The Republican Party is in complete disarray with Senator John McCain assured of the nomination as their candidate for the Presidency. Despite of McCain winning primary elections, it turns out that there is a sizable vociferous section of the party who strongly dislikes him, and threatens never to vote for him. It is fun watching the crumbling of this party that dominated the American politics for years. But Republicans still have one hope for a quick reunification. It is to have Hillary Clinton run as their opposition candidate for Presidency. Clinton is so hated by the Republicans, that they will come out in droves to vote against her. That will unite the party to some extent, and will let them retain the office of the President of USA. On the other hand, if Senator Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee, all bets are off. Obama will attract to his side independents, and even some Republicans, and easily win the election. In short, the Democrats now have a golden opportunity to checkmate the Republicans with Obama, and watch them crash and burn. But, ‘Noooo!’; that is too easy!
The idea sounds quite plausible. The clintons have been much hated more for their liberal stand than for any moral lapses. In Republican party one can trace moral turpitude and every gross indulgence that goes at the root of equality America stands for. Profiting from arms shipping and 'free' enterprise for some to fatten themselves to indulge in a lavish life style where one in eight Americans are below poverty line The GOP has no right to cast stones at the Clintons. Yet the Party has profited from misinformation,-fear and smear in the past. Thus Hilary can only bring the split party members under McCaine. In the latter I expect the Bush legacy given a news lease and more muddle in the next four years. But will the mob or the man on the street can think straight? Can they see the pros and cons of the nominees and make election as it should be. I doubt it.
The saddest commentary of American democracy was reflected in that TV image of election officers checking for the 'hanging chad' in Florida. If a nation's future is to based on such evidences well I ought to live among the yahoos or go back to the savannah where the ape-men never made much of democratic ideals..
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