Shut the damn door first!
I am getting very frustrated at the way the Obama administration is going about the freefall of the stock market. Granted that in just a few weeks after taking the office, the President has gotten a huge stimulus bill passed, and has come up with a budget which will start mending the country back from the huge toll she has taken under the Republicans. But to me, all these actions are like trying to keep warm in the middle of winter with blankets and hot drinks, while keeping the front door wide open! Unless the ‘walking dead’ big banks in this country are restored, the stimulus package and new budget are not going to help matters in the long run. So far all that is happening is the government pouring billions of dollars to prop up these banks and insurance companies. How long can this continue? The Treasury Secretary Tom Geithner with his ‘deer caught in headlights’ look does not show any signs of action to take control. No wonder the stock market is tanking!
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