Sunday, March 08, 2009

An eye for an eye

USA is one of the few the countries in the world where death penalty is given as punishment. While most of the cultured countries abhor this practice, this barbaric punishment is meted out freely in this country. Here is an example. This week in Riverside County (near Los Angeles), the jury has convicted a man for setting a fire in a remote area which resulted in the death of five firefighters. Now the judge is deciding if death penalty or life imprisonment should be the punishment. Death penalty? Does anyone care to know that there is a mental disorder called ‘pyromania’ which makes people set fires for the thrill of it? Can anyone truthfully claim that the defendant had the death of firefighters in mind when he set the fire? No. This is unnecessary complication for the legal system in USA. If someone dies because of your actions, you have to die too, as it says in the bible (Exodus 21:23–27). Case closed.

3/18/09 Update

Well, the jury awarded him the death penalty!


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