Friday, February 19, 2010

It sucks more to be Rajaratnam!

I follow with interest the travails of Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam, who is facing criminal and civil charges for illegal stock trading. In the current political climate where the greed in Wall Street is blamed for the collapse of the economy, Rajaratnam is certain to be punished with a prison sentence spanning many long years. The fall of this arrogant billionaire has been amazing. I wonder how his life has changed from the glory days when he had singer Kenny Rogers come to sing at the birthday party for his wife. I am sure that he and family are completely ostracized in the high society crowd they used to move around in Hampton, New York. He should be finding that a number of his ‘bosom buddies’ do not return his phone calls anymore. The guilt he must be feeling when he sees the sorrow and shame of his wife and children thanks to his actions, must be unfathomable.

Now-a-days, when I feel ‘it sucks to be me!’, I think of Rajaratnam.


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Rana said...

What has never ceased to amaze me about the Rajaratnams' and Madoffs' of the world is what motivates them acquire levels of wealth beyond what they could ever want from a standpoint of leading a luxurious lifestyle. It is this greed - whatever the motivation - that causes them to risk everything they have worked to achieve and thereby jeopardize their freedom and the well-being of their family.


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