Diabolic quest for power!
I am quite concerned about the path Hillary Clinton is taking, now that she has lost the majority of pledged delegates to Barrack Obama in the race for nomination of the Democratic Party. Many pundits in the Main Stream Media (MSM) appear puzzled why she still continues her campaign -- that too with debts over 20 million dollars. To me it is quite clear. Hillary Clinton still has a chance to pull off the nomination, and she knows how to. The reality is that over the years, the Clintons have established strong relationships with a significant number of the super-delegates who will still vote for her if there is any reason to justify it. (The delay of the remaining super-delegates to come out and support Obama, now the elections are almost over, is an ominous sign). In short, it will be big mistake for Hillary to give up, and announce her support to Obama once the primaries are over on June 3rd. She somehow has to hold on to her delegates till the convention. How is she going to do it? It is simple. Keep fighting for the seating of Michigan and Florida delegates who were disqualified for breaking the sequence elections dictated by the Democratic Party. Many believe that a compromise will be worked out on May 30th when the Democratic Rules Committee meets to review the matter, and Hillary would still lose as the numbers still will not add up to beat Obama. But I think her strategy will be not to accept any compromise, and insist on the full seating of the delegates, which nobody will agree. She will keep appealing the decision of the Rules Committee (via courts if necessary). This will keep her campaign alive until the convention, which starts at the end of August. As a result, we will have a ‘brokered convention’ with the Super-delegates determining who gets the nomination. Any slip up or mistakes by Obama by this time will be blown out of proportion, and Hillary will come in as the ‘White Knight’ to get the nod from the Super-delegates as the nominee of the Democratic Party. Of course, this can destroy the party and give the election to John McCain, the Republican. But she does not care. This is her only chance for Presidency, and she is not going to give it up!