These have to go!
People are getting angry and frustrated about the high rate of joblessness and associated hardships in the ‘Main Street’, while ‘Wall Street’ is getting ready to doll out largest bonuses ever (even exceeding their ‘prosperous 2007' bonuses). To appease the public, some heads have to roll in the Obama administration. Chief Economic Advisor Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner are in the front line for this. I fully support it, as these two Wall Street veterans are focused on the welfare of financial institutions and big companies, while keeping the welfare of the common people of secondary importance. Now the markets have stabilized, and it is time for an ‘outsider’ to come and put things in order for the benefits of the Main Street. Another person I would love to see go, is the Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. This slimy Washington politician is crippling the style of President Obama with his ‘CYA’ tactics and bad advice. Unfortunately, only few realize this. So he is going to hold on to his job until the 2010 mid-term election blows up on President Obama. (Remember the hasty exit of Don Rumsfield after the 2006 election?)