Thursday, March 17, 2011

Impluse donation!

Read about actress Sandra Bullock donating one million dollars to the Red Cross for relief operations in Japan. To me, this sounds like the classical ‘impulse donation’. First of all, I do not think shortage of funds is a big issue for the Tsunami relief operations in Japan. The country has enough money for that. Accessibility to the victims is the main challenge as roads and rails are closed in many places, gasoline supply is short, fear of radiation affects the reach, etc. People forget that Red Cross provides is only temporary help, and that they do not do anything for the long term. It not known for using money efficiently. During Katrina disaster Red Cross did a lousy job despite of getting millions from people who did not know where else to contribute. Ms. Bullock could have used that money more effectively in her own country with so many homeless, and children going hungry!