Saturday, June 30, 2012

Risk Taker

I am thrilled about the Supreme Court ruling that the Affordable Care Act of the Obama Healthcare (derisively named ‘Obamcare’ by the Republicans) is constitutional.  If the ruling had gone the other way, according to the dissenting  opinion signed by the four  right wing justices, it would have been curtains for President Obama.  Mitt Romney’s portrayal of Obama at a job ‘way over his head’ would have solidified for good. He would have been branded as a loser who did not accomplish anything significant while in the office. There is no way Americans would have re-elected such an incompetent loser.  In short, President Obama took a huge risk in letting Affordable Care Act ruling happen before the election (he made no attempt to delay it which is not that difficult to do). He did the same ‘high wire act’ when he approved the incredibly complex stealth attack in Pakistan to kill Osama Bin Laden.  If that mission had failed, Republicans would have had a field day painting him as a weak Commander and Chief of USA.  Luckily for President Obama, and possibly for the millions of not so rich people in USA, both those bets are going to pay off handsomely.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Anguish of the accused

Baseball star Robert Clemens was found not guilty of the charges of lying to the Congress about the use of performance enhancement drugs. The case against ex-Senator john Edwards charging him for violation of campaign financing laws was also thrown out recently.  Legal experts are not surprised at these verdicts as both the charges were based on questionable evidence (Clemens) or interpretation of the law (Edwards). ‘The case is closed and it is time to move on’. Few realize the turmoil (mental and financial) the accused had to undergo before being let go. I got a sample of it when I was audited by the IRS last year. I had a few anxious weeks, and a sizable bill from my accountant, before the IRS cleared me 100%!   

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Paint the enemy!

 I get very frustrated when I hear President Obama talking about the ‘Congress’ being the stumbling block to his plans for the country. Does he not realize that Congress has both Democrats and Republicans? As a result of statements like this, people think that both the Democrats and Republicans are equally bad, and it does not matter if they vote for a Republican or a Democrat!  I have the same frustration with Osama’s veiled criticisms of ‘previous administrations’, instead of bluntly pointing out how the Republicans since the Reagan, have caused the downward plight of the middle class in this country.  How come the Democrats act ashamed of the ‘Obamcare’ instead of talking how it is going help the people – both with and without insurance?
Unless President Obama and the Democratic Party ‘grow some b***s’ as Americans crudely say, this election is going to be a goner for them.