Watched the debate of the Democratic Presidential candidates at New Hampshire tonight. It was a lively debate. I am very impressed with the caliber of the candidates. With the exception of two obviously flaky ones, all look so capable of leading this country restoring her strength and glory. (This is a sharp contrast to the ‘empty suits’ I saw in the last debate of the Republican candidates). Here are my observations:
- I find it difficult to accept Hilary Clinton’s claim that ‘we are safer now’, which she gave in response to a question about terrorism. Does she not know that this country is weakened with most of the military, and the National Guard stuck in Iraq? How can she feel safe with our Homeland Security, which has consistently demonstrated their incompetence starting with Katrina disaster?
- John Edwards is proving that he is not a ‘Bill Clinton who has not read books’. He showed good grasp of issues, and an ability to identify the root of a problem cutting through all the fluff. His answer that General Musharaf’s downfall in Pakistan will be an even a bigger problem for USA with the possibility of religious extremists talking over, is a good example.
- I wonder if anyone noticed that Barack Obama pronounced ‘Pakistan’ the way we do in India (which possibly is the correct way). He must have learned this from his early school days in Indonesia.
- Senator Joseph Biden continues to demonstrate that he is the most knowlegeable of all the candidates in foreign policy matters. He cares about the plight of the people outside USA, which is something you rarely see in a politician. He has no chance in getting the nomination. But should make an excellent Secretary of State. I notice that his is quite respectful towards Clinton and Obama. Good move!
- I am happy that all the major candidates are passionate about improving the health care system of this country. If elected, they will be able to actually do something about it, assuming that the Democrats retain their majority in Congress. This is good news to the over 40 million people who have no medical insurance, and others, like me, who have to pay an exorbitant amount of money for health insurance.
Hilary Clinton is on her way to winning the nomiation as she can express well her excellent knowledge and experience on the issues and challenges. Barack Obama is fast losing his ‘glow’ as a candidate with a new message, while John Edwards is going to rise in polls. I think there is a high probability of Al Gore entering the race, if Hilary falters. Next few months are going to be quite interesting.