I am hooked on the coming primaries for the 2008 U.S. Presidential race. It is like watching the final lap of a long distance race where every runner is neck to neck. On the Democratic side, there is Barack Obama catching up with Hilary Clinton, with Edwards striding strongly right behind. If either Obama or Clinton wins in Iowa, the race is over for the nomination of the Democratic Party. Nothing can stop Clinton or Obama afterwards, as they will breeze through the rest (This explains the desperate tactics of the Clinton campaign to stop Obama in Iowa. Even a win by John Edwards is not that bad for Clinton!). If Edwards wins in Iowa, and follows it with a strong showing in New Hampshire and a win in South Carolina, he will become the front-runner for the rest of the primaries. On the Republican side also things are equally unpredictable. Candidate Mike Huckabee, who came out of nowhere, is leading the race in Iowa. A win there, followed by a strong showing in South Carolina will set him on his way to become Republican candidate for Presidency (and the dream opposition for the Democrats!). On the other hand, if Mitt Romney manages a win in Iowa, he can win New Hampshire and Michigan, and become the front-runner. Meanwhile, a ‘strong’ third place finish in Iowa followed by a win in New Hampshire, can revitalize Senator John McCain to win the nomination (and become the toughest opposition for the Democrats). Even the fast fading Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson have a chance if the early primaries are split between Huckabee, McCain and Romney.
In short, with a little bit of luck or a good break (or a mistake by the other), any of these seven candidates can become the next President of USA! I watch T.V. shows like Hardball and Meet the Press, catching every word of the analysis and predictions by political pundits . I surf the Internet frequently to catch the latest poll results -- like the scoreboard of a Test Cricket match! I just cannot wait the elections to start on January 3rd in Iowa.